Meet GymboFams Ambassador Maritza

My name is Maritza, I am the mother of a 1-year-old baby named Nicholas. Nicholas is an only child and the only baby on both sides of the family. He has no cousins so unfortunately, he doesn’t have much interaction with other children. We were afraid of him becoming anti-social in the future and we wanted him to break out of his shell as he tends to be very shy around others.

We were looking for an environment were Nicholas could have fun as well as develop new skills. We are so glad we found Gymboree Play & Music.  In such a short time, we can already see his development. He now waves hello to others and claps when he hears the music being played in class. We cannot wait to see how much more he will develop while attending Gymboree Play & Music. We are excited to become a part of GymboFams and spread the word about this amazing place.

This is a great experience for both babies and their parents, I wish more people would take the time to check it out. It is a great investment for our children, I wish we had discovered Gymboree Play & Music sooner.

Follow Maritza on Instagram right here:

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